Tuesday, November 22, 2011

M@P) presents our Fourth Annual Graduate Student Conference "Textual Intercourse: Medieval Appropriations and Appropriation of the Medieval"

Medievalists @ Penn (M@P) presents its

Fourth Annual Graduate Student Conference

Textual Intercourse: Medieval Appropriations and Appropriation of the Medieval

March 17th-18th, 2012

University of Pennsylvania

Keynote speaker: Prof. Kevin Brownlee

Medieval appropriation of ideas served as a method of transcultural and transhistorical interaction, which led to a burgeoning production of new texts. Whether through an explicit translatio studii maneuver or through unapologetic borrowing, medieval cultural producers positioned themselves in relation to other writers, thinkers, artists, and musicians, etc. This year’s theme of intercourse asks us to probe and complicate the questions of influence, communication, translation, and adaptation across time, space, media, and culture, and it will serve as an entry point into this complex matrix of texts and ideas, broadly defined.

Our conference invites submissions concerning one or more formulations of the idea of intercourse and appropriation. We also welcome paper proposals on the concept of medievalism as a post-medieval appropriation of the cultural products of the Middle Ages. As per our group's mission, we welcome a plurality of perspectives from across all fields of study in recognition of the profound interdisciplinarity of our common object of inquiry: the Middle Ages.

Please send 300-word abstracts to pennmedieval@gmail.com by January 15, 2012